Sri Thawar Chand Gehlot
Hon'ble Governor, Karnataka

Sri Siddaramaiah
Hon'ble Chief Minister, Karnataka
Applications invited for admission for the year 2024-25 at Shilp Gurukula
A Moment of Pride
Sandalwood Manipushpa Hara and Ambari of Cauvery Emporium memento was presented to Sri Narendra Modiji Hon’ble Prime Minister by Sri Siddaramaiah Hon’ble Chief Minister of Karnataka.

Karnataka State Handicrafts Development Corporation Limited, (A Government of Karnataka Undertaking) was established in the year 1964 under Companies Act 1956.
The objective of the corporation is to preserve, develop and promote handicrafts. Government of India and Government of Karnataka are the share holders in the organization.
Karnataka State is richly endowed with widely practiced, accepted and acclaimed crafts since time immemorial. The major crafts are sandalwood carvings, rosewood inlay, channapatna lacquer ware & toys, Mysore traditional paintings, bidri ware, kinhal toys, Navalgund durries, stone carvings, other wood carvings, traditional jewellery, mirror and embroidery, banana fiber, terracotta, bronze icons, Pile carpets and many more

Chairperson's Message
Karnataka is renowned for it’s handicrafts worldwide. Karnataka State Handicrafts Development Corporation Limited has over five decades been ensuring that Karnataka’s rich tradition of exquisite craftsmanship is preserved, developed and promoted.
Karnataka has the highest number of globally recognized and coveted handicrafts in the country.
We at Karnataka State Handicrafts Development Corporation Limited perform dual role of promoting the artisans and craftsmen to preserve the rich cultural tradition of our land on one hand and promoting and showcasing the unique richness of our handicrafts to the world at large, on the other.
We resolve to empower the handicrafts industry in Karnataka and expand the presence of our iconic CAUVERY in various parts of India and abroad.
Smt. Roopakala M Shashidhar
Chairperson, KSHDCL

Managing Director's Message
“Karnataka State Handicrafts Development Corporation a synonym in the field of handicrafts with ‘Cauvery’ is century-old tradition which established as a registered corporate body in the year 1964. The Corporation is known for its patronage to the artisans of Karnataka. Various National and State Awards bestowed on artisans from Karnataka are demonstrative of efforts of Karnataka State Handicrafts Development Corporation.
It patronises art through 13 Craft Complexes, 10 Emporiums and has 2800 empanelled artisans. The Karnataka State Handicrafts Development Corporation can take credit of the increased profit in the year 2016-17 over previous year.
The effort to strengthen handicrafts movement has driven the Corporation to open the Karnataka State Handicrafts Development Corporation emporiums in other parts of the world. Soon, Karnataka State Handicrafts Development Corporation will be a Global existence, a rare achievement for the Corporation. Two new emporiums in Mysore will soon come in existence to cater the need of tourists coming from different parts of the world to Mysore and also to generate the growth of handicrafts in Karnataka. We have started new efforts in the e-commerce activities by strengthening our online purchase system and also bringing 600 more products on board.
Our motto ‘Cauvery to golden heights’ is the guiding mandate in our all activities.”

Contact Us
Registered Head Office
Karnataka State Handicrafts Development Corporation Ltd.
(A Government of Karnataka Enterprise)
#39,2nd Floor, United Mansion Building, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Bengaluru-560001
080- 25582656 / 71204445 / 71204446